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iFilm English TV to air ‘The Sweet Taste of Imagination’

iFilm’s movie ‘The Sweet Taste of Imagination’ is to be aired on Saturday.

iFilm’s feature film ‘The Sweet Taste of Imagination’ has been scheduled to go on air on January 29, 2022.

Directed by Kamal Tabrizi and produced by Mohammad-Ali Hossein-Nezhad, the domestic box-office hit recounts the story of a man so fascinated with protecting the environment that he has dedicated his entire life to it.

All he can think of is clean energies and educating others on how to keep the planet safe. This is when he meets a young lady who equally fascinates him.

‘The Sweet Taste of Imagination’ cast list includes Shahab Hosseini, Parivash Nazariyeh, Nazanin Bayati, Nader Fallah, Nazanin Farahani, Asieh Soltani-Nezhad, Issa Yousefpour, and Mehdi Maleki.

‘The Sweet Taste of Imagination’, made in 2014, is scheduled to go on air at 22:00 GMT.

iFilm English TV will also repeat the movie the next day at 04:00, 10:00 and 16:00 (all GMT times).

Read more:

Japan hosting iFilm’s ‘Sweet Taste of Imagination’

